Recreational Kayaking Checklist
I am sure it has happened to all of us one time or another. We arrive at a destination to camp or paddle and it is inevitable we say the words “I forgot the _____”. I have even on occasion forgotten to go over the checklist I actually had printed out! This is a brief Kayaking Checklist of the items I like to have along on my Florida paddle trips. Some items are on the list that I actually do not use or need but are included on the list. Download a PDF version of this checklist.

Basic Gear/Equipment:
Paddle, and if there is room, a small spare single blade paddle
PFD life vest
Dry Bags – I carry several sizes for personals, camera and towel
Waterproof Case for iphone and GoPro
Waterproof sunscreen
Insect repellent
Camera Equipment
Micro Fiber Cloths
Waterproof camera protection
Journal & Pen
Compass – on my iphone
Watch – iphone
Paddle Leash
Kayaking Checklist – Apparel:
Quick dry shorts pants
Long sleeve shirt
Flannel shirt when needed
Water shoes
Brimmed hat
Emergency Gear:
First aid kit
Map and compass
Cell phone in waterproof bag or case
Signal mirror
Knife or multi-tool
Flashlight or headlamp
Goody’s Aspirin Powders
Toilet paper
Additional Kayaking Gear:
Cockpit cover
Boat cart
Fishing gear
Fishing license
Bilge pump/bailer Sponge
Spare paddle
Bow line/Tow Line
Download a PDF version of this checklist